Writer's Alliance of Georgia

Writers' Alliance of Georgia


Writers' Alliance of Georgia – Animal Tales Anthology

Hot Dogs and Cool Cats: Animal Tales "A La Carte"

Have you ever had birds in your bra, a raccoon in your washer, or a dog that lived under grandma's bed? People share this world with animals. When our paths cross it creates animal tales. Hot Dogs and Cool Cats: Animal Tales "A La Carte" is a collection of animal stories served up from W.A.G. (Writer's Alliance of Georgia). Stories will tickle your funny bone, warm your heart, and inspire you to reach out and let an animal touch your life!

This collection of true animal stories written by members of the Writer's Alliance of Georgia (WAG) will be available in early 2012.

For more information mail Donna Sundblad at dssundblad@theinkslinger.net.